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Astaxanthin and Cellular Health: A Look into its Anti-Agieng Properties.

Astaxanthin: The Powerful Antioxidant that Slows Down Cellular Aging

Astaxanthin is a carotenoid, part of the same family as beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin. Found in microalgae, yeast, salmon, trout, krill, shrimp, and crustaceans, it is often what gives seafood its characteristic pinkish-red color. Astaxanthin is renowned for its potent antioxidant properties, which make it a formidable ally against cellular aging.

The antioxidative capability of astaxanthin is primarily due to its unique molecular structure. Unlike many other antioxidants, astaxanthin's polar structure enables it to span the entirety of the cell membrane, providing protection both on the surface and the inside of cells. This feature alone makes astaxanthin a powerful tool in the fight against oxidative damage, the culprit behind cellular aging.

Astaxanthin’s antioxidative power helps to neutralise free radicals—unstable atoms that can damage cells and contribute to aging and diseases. In fact, the antioxidative strength of astaxanthin is so potent that it is believed to be up to 6000 times stronger than vitamin C, 550 times stronger than green tea catechins, and 75 times stronger than alpha-lipoic acid.

Unlike some antioxidants, astaxanthin does not become a pro-oxidant, or a substance that promotes oxidation, under certain conditions. This trait further bolsters its standing as an anti-aging hero, since other antioxidants can sometimes become harmful under specific circumstances.

Lastly, astaxanthin stimulates the body's own antioxidant defenses. It upregulates gene expression of endogenous antioxidants like superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, and catalase. These key players help the body to maintain a balanced state, further slowing down the process of cellular aging.

The Role of Astaxanthin in Protecting Cells from Oxidative Stress

Astaxanthin's primary function as a potent antioxidant gives it a critical role in protecting cells from oxidative stress, a harmful process that accelerates aging and contributes to various diseases.

Oxidative stress occurs when the production of harmful molecules called free radicals exceeds the body's ability to counteract their damaging effects. An imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants leads to oxidative stress, resulting in damage to fatty tissue, DNA, and proteins in our bodies.

Astaxanthin is adept at neutralising one of the most aggressive free radicals, singlet oxygen, which can cause significant damage to cellular components. As it neutralises this threat, astaxanthin prevents damage to the cell membrane, proteins, and DNA, thereby reducing oxidative stress and slowing the aging process.

In addition, astaxanthin can cross the blood-brain and blood-retina barriers, which many antioxidants can't. This means astaxanthin can offer its protective benefits to the eyes, brain, and central nervous system, guarding these vital areas against oxidative stress.

Astaxanthin also has a protective effect against lipid peroxidation, a harmful process that involves the oxidative degradation of lipids, which make up a significant part of cell membranes. By preventing lipid peroxidation, astaxanthin preserves the integrity of cell membranes and keeps cells functioning optimally.

Ultimately, by protecting cells against oxidative stress, astaxanthin enhances overall cellular health and longevity. It fights the very processes that lead to the wear and tear of cells over time.

Astaxanthin and Skin Health: A Natural Approach to Fighting Aging

Astaxanthin’s antioxidant properties are also beneficial for skin health, making it a promising natural approach to combat aging. Skin, as the largest organ and the outermost shield of the body, is particularly susceptible to oxidative stress and damage.

Astaxanthin helps maintain skin elasticity, moisture, and texture, which are all integral to youthful-looking skin. It combats free radicals at the surface level, mitigating the effects of aging such as wrinkles, dryness, and age spots.

In addition, astaxanthin boosts the skin's resistance to UV-induced damage. It acts as an internal sunscreen, protecting skin cells from the harmful effects of excessive sun exposure, which can accelerate skin aging.

Astaxanthin also promotes skin health by improving blood flow and reducing inflammation, leading to a healthier complexion. Studies have shown that astaxanthin supplementation can improve skin appearance in as little as eight weeks, demonstrating a significant reduction in the depth of fine lines and wrinkles, and an increase in skin moisture.

In the realm of skin health, astaxanthin truly stands out as a potent, natural, anti-aging agent. It offers protection from both intrinsic and extrinsic aging factors, preserving the skin's youthful vitality and appearance.

Astaxanthin's Impact on Cellular Repair and Regeneration

Another remarkable aspect of astaxanthin is its impact on cellular repair and regeneration, which are vital processes for maintaining overall health and slowing down aging.

Astaxanthin promotes the production and function of various types of cells, including skin cells, immune cells, and stem cells. It supports cell division, an essential process in tissue repair and regeneration, and helps maintain the health of the cell cycle, the sequence of events that take place in a cell leading to its division and duplication.

Astaxanthin’s influence extends to protein synthesis as well, the process through which cells generate new proteins to carry out cellular functions. This includes the production of collagen, the protein responsible for maintaining the strength and structure of skin, bones, and connective tissues.

Furthermore, astaxanthin promotes mitochondrial biogenesis, the process by which cells increase their individual mitochondrial mass and copy number to increase the production of ATP, the primary energy source for cellular functions. This is particularly important for cell repair and regeneration, as these processes require substantial amounts of energy.

By fostering cellular repair and regeneration, astaxanthin contributes significantly to the preservation of cellular health and the slowing of aging.

Astaxanthin and Telomeres: Prolonging Cellular Lifespan

Astaxanthin’s benefits also extend to telomeres, the protective ends of chromosomes that are critical to cellular lifespan. As cells replicate, telomeres gradually shorten, and when they become too short, the cell can no longer divide and becomes inactive or dies.

Astaxanthin supports telomere length by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, two factors known to accelerate telomere shortening. By protecting telomeres from premature shortening, astaxanthin can effectively prolong the lifespan of cells.

Recent studies have shown a positive correlation between astaxanthin intake and increased telomerase activity. Telomerase is an enzyme that can help rebuild and lengthen telomeres, counteracting the natural process of telomere shortening that occurs during DNA replication.

Through these mechanisms, astaxanthin contributes to cellular longevity, an essential aspect of overall health and longevity.

Astaxanthin and Mitochondrial Health: Energising Cells for Youthful Vitality

Astaxanthin’s ability to energise cells for youthful vitality hinges on its impact on mitochondria, the powerhouses of cells. Mitochondria play a crucial role in aging due to their role in producing energy and their influence on cell death and oxidative stress.

Astaxanthin supports mitochondrial function in several ways. It protects the mitochondrial membrane from oxidative damage, thereby preserving the integrity of mitochondria and their ability to generate energy.

Astaxanthin also promotes mitochondrial biogenesis, a process that increases the number and efficiency of mitochondria within the cell. More and healthier mitochondria translate to increased energy production and overall cellular vitality.

Importantly, astaxanthin mitigates mitochondrial dysfunction, a common phenomenon in aging and various age-related diseases. Mitochondrial dysfunction is marked by a decrease in ATP production, increased production of reactive oxygen species, and the initiation of apoptotic pathways leading to cell death. By supporting healthy mitochondrial function, astaxanthin helps to maintain cellular energy and vitality, counteracting these adverse events.

Astaxanthin and DNA Protection: Safeguarding Cellular Integrity

The cellular DNA carries the genetic blueprint of organisms. Protecting it from damage is critical to maintaining cellular health and function. Astaxanthin plays a key role in this regard, offering protection at a cellular level, safeguarding the integrity of DNA.

Astaxanthin's unique molecular structure allows it to neutralise free radicals and other reactive species before they can damage DNA. It can effectively quench singlet oxygen and scavenge free radicals, which can directly damage DNA and induce harmful mutations.

In addition to its potent antioxidant action, astaxanthin also enhances DNA repair mechanisms. It upregulates various proteins involved in DNA repair pathways, enabling the cell to more effectively correct any DNA damage that does occur.

Finally, astaxanthin can stimulate the expression of telomerase, an enzyme that lengthens telomeres. Telomeres cap the ends of DNA and protect it from damage during cell replication. By maintaining telomere length, astaxanthin ensures the stability and integrity of the DNA, a key factor in maintaining cellular health and longevity.

Astaxanthin and Cellular Inflammation: Reducing Age-Related Chronic Conditions

Inflammation, although necessary for our body's defense mechanism, can cause damage when it becomes chronic. Oxidative stress and chronic inflammation are two sides of the same coin, each fueling the other and contributing to the aging process and the development of age-related diseases.

Astaxanthin, with its potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, plays a crucial role in managing cellular inflammation. It can inhibit the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and suppress the activation of inflammatory pathways. It also modulates immune responses, ensuring they don't result in excessive inflammation that can damage cells.

Astaxanthin's ability to cross the blood-brain barrier allows it to exert its anti-inflammatory effects in the brain, protecting against neuroinflammation, which has been implicated in cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases.

By managing cellular inflammation, astaxanthin can mitigate the risk of various chronic conditions associated with aging, including heart disease, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, and certain types of cancer.

Astaxanthin and Brain Health: Enhancing Cognitive Function and Memory

Astaxanthin's impact extends to brain health, where it may enhance cognitive function and memory. The brain is especially vulnerable to oxidative stress due to its high oxygen consumption, high lipid content, and relatively low antioxidant defense.

Astaxanthin protects neurons from oxidative damage and improves blood flow to the brain. This protection can potentially slow cognitive decline associated with aging and reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

Furthermore, astaxanthin has been shown to stimulate neurogenesis, the growth and development of nervous tissue, and to enhance synaptic plasticity, the ability of synapses to strengthen or weaken over time. Both these processes are crucial for learning and memory.

In various preclinical models, astaxanthin has demonstrated potential in improving cognitive function and memory. While more research is needed, these findings hold promise for astaxanthin's role in promoting brain health and function.

Astaxanthin as a Potent Skin Supplement: Boosting Collagen and Elasticity

In addition to its protective effects, astaxanthin also has reparative properties for skin health. It can enhance both the production and protection of collagen, the primary structural protein in skin that gives it strength and elasticity.

Astaxanthin's antioxidant action neutralises the free radicals that break down collagen, while its anti-inflammatory properties reduce inflammation that can inhibit collagen production. Furthermore, astaxanthin can stimulate fibroblasts, the cells that produce collagen, enhancing the skin's ability to maintain its structure and resist wrinkling.

Moreover, astaxanthin can increase skin elasticity, contributing to a more youthful appearance. Studies have demonstrated that astaxanthin supplementation can significantly improve skin elasticity and decrease sagging.

By boosting collagen and elasticity, astaxanthin provides dual-action support for skin health, working to reverse the signs of aging and prevent future damage.


Astaxanthin's Antioxidant Role in Cellular Aging
  • Astaxanthin, found in seafood, combats cellular aging with its strong antioxidant properties. It uniquely protects both inside and outside of cells from oxidative damage.
  • This antioxidant is much stronger than vitamin C and others. It remains effective under various conditions and boosts the body's own antioxidant defenses.
Protection Against Oxidative Stress
  • Astaxanthin shields cells from oxidative stress, a key aging factor. It neutralises harmful free radicals, protecting cell components.
  • It crosses blood-brain and blood-retina barriers, protecting eyes and brain. Astaxanthin also prevents lipid peroxidation, maintaining cell membrane integrity and function.
Benefits for Skin Health
  • Astaxanthin improves skin health, maintaining elasticity, moisture, and texture. It reduces aging signs like wrinkles and dryness.
  • It acts as an internal sunscreen, protecting against UV damage. Astaxanthin also improves blood flow and reduces inflammation, enhancing skin appearance.
Impact on Cellular Repair and Regeneration
  • Astaxanthin boosts cell production and function, aiding in cell division and protein synthesis. This includes collagen production for skin and bones.
  • It enhances mitochondrial biogenesis, crucial for cell energy. This support is key in slowing aging and maintaining health.
Prolonging Cellular Lifespan via Telomere Protection
  • Astaxanthin maintains telomere length, essential for cell lifespan. It reduces oxidative stress and inflammation, slowing telomere shortening.
  • Studies show astaxanthin increases telomerase activity, extending cell lifespan by maintaining telomere health.
Energising Cells and Mitochondrial Health
  • Astaxanthin impacts mitochondria, cells' energy producers. It protects them and promotes their growth, increasing energy production.
  • It counters mitochondrial dysfunction, common in aging. This helps maintain cellular energy and vitality.
DNA Protection and Integrity
  • Astaxanthin protects cellular DNA, crucial for health and function. It neutralises damaging free radicals and enhances DNA repair.
  • It stimulates telomerase, maintaining telomere length and DNA stability. This is key for long-term cellular health.
Reducing Cellular Inflammation and Chronic Conditions
  • Astaxanthin manages cellular inflammation, linked to aging and diseases. It inhibits harmful cytokines and modulates immune responses.
  • Its ability to enter the brain combats neuroinflammation. This reduces risks of heart disease, diabetes, and neurodegenerative diseases.
Enhancing Brain Health and Cognitive Function
  • Astaxanthin may improve brain function and memory. It protects neurons and improves brain blood flow, potentially slowing cognitive decline.
  • It stimulates neurogenesis and synaptic plasticity, important for learning and memory. Studies show its potential in enhancing brain health.
Boosting Collagen and Skin Elasticity
  • Astaxanthin enhances skin health by boosting collagen and elasticity. It neutralises collagen-damaging free radicals and reduces inflammation.
  • Studies show it improves skin elasticity and reduces aging signs. It provides comprehensive skin health support, combating aging.

Astaxanthin Information

For more everything you need to know about Astaxanthin, check out our comprehensive information page here.

Astaxanthin Information


We’ve created an astaxanthin supplement containing 6mg of astaxanthin per softgel. To learn more about our astaxanthin, check out the product page here.

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Ron Goedeke MD, BSc Hons MBChB, FNZCAM

Dr. Ron Goedeke, an expert in the domain of functional medicine, dedicates his practice to uncovering the root causes of health issues by focusing on nutrition and supplement-based healing and health optimisation strategies. An esteemed founding member of the New Zealand College of Appearance Medicine, Dr. Goedeke's professional journey has always been aligned with cutting-edge health concepts.

Having been actively involved with the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine since 1999, he brings over two decades of knowledge and experience in the field of anti-aging medicine, making him an eminent figure in this evolving realm of healthcare. Throughout his career, Dr. Goedeke has been steadfast in his commitment to leverage appropriate nutritional guidance and supplementation to encourage optimal health.

This has allowed him to ascend as one of the most trusted authorities in the arena of nutritional medicine in New Zealand. His expertise in the intricate relationship between diet, nutritional supplements, and overall health forms the backbone of his treatment approach, allowing patients to benefit from a balanced and sustainable pathway to improved wellbeing.


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